Unnamed gunman killed Ali Razini and Mohammad Moghisseh before shooting himself, Mezan reportsTwo judges have been killed in a shooting on Saturday at the supreme court building in Tehran, Iranian state media have reported.“This morning, a gunman infiltrated the supreme court in a planned act of assassination of two brave and experienced judges. The two judges were martyred in the act,” the judiciary’s Mizan Online website reported. Continue reading...
Two judges specializing in national security cases were assassinated in a planned shooting attack at Iran's supreme court building. While the motive remains unclear, the attacker was not involved in any cases before the court. This incident highlights a concerning trend of violence against high-profile figures in Iran, including religious leaders and officials, in recent years.
Two judges specializing in national security cases were assassinated in a planned shooting attack at Iran's supreme court building. While the motive remains unclear, the attacker was not involved in any cases before the court. This incident highlights a concerning trend of violence against high-profile figures in Iran, including religious leaders and officials, in recent years.